category hero-image


- 18 relevant posts

Ep. 14: Goodbye

Dec 16, 2023

20 min. read


It all comes to an end.

Ep. 13: When Harry Met Sally...

Dec 12, 2023

19 min. read


I am finally confronted with the first goodbyes and farewells. They will not be the last.

Ep. 12: Grounded

Dec 09, 2023

17 min. read


Becoming increasingly at home...

Ep. 11: You're a Star!

Dec 04, 2023

15 min. read


Turning the corner for the final stretch at Purdue.

Ep. 10: Lexington

Oct 13, 2023

19 min. read


Quick on the heels of Spring Break, another weekend and another state to add to the collection - Kentucky.


Jul 11, 2023

29 min. read


Exploring the chaotic madness yet undeniable beauty of Lisbon.

Ep. 9: Spring Break!

Jun 20, 2023

39 min. read


Three exchange students explore some of the country's greatest national parks in Arizona and Utah.

Ep. 8: Winding Down

Mar 19, 2023

17 min. read


A much quieter week as the campus essentially went into shutdown mode ahead of the upcoming Spring Break next week.

Ep. 7: Whose House?

Mar 12, 2023

21 min. read


A final trip to Mackey Arena and other fun times as Spring Break draws ever nearer

Ep. 6: Under Lights

Mar 04, 2023

16 min. read


Weeks 6 and 7 bring with them a rivalry game and explorations of an entirely new discipline...

Ep. 5: These Vagabond Shoes

Feb 26, 2023

37 min. read


After many years, a return to New York City. In a post-pandemic world, is it still the city that never sleeps?

Ep. 4: The Plot Thickens

Feb 19, 2023

18 min. read


A fresh suite of athletic opportunities to explore this week, both as spectator and participant

Ep. 3: Let It Snow!

Feb 18, 2023

22 min. read


A snowstorm looms on the horizon, whilst new opportunities reveal themselves in places I wouldn't have expected.

Ep. 2: The Cold, Cold Winter

Feb 05, 2023

28 min. read


The depths of Winter are well and truly here, and with the colder weather comes a similarly dreary cloud of first assignments, homework and tests.

Ep. 1.5: My Kind of Town

Jan 30, 2023

24 min. read


Impressions formed on the city of Chicago during a whirlwind, 2-night trip over the Martin Luther King Jr. long weekend. Experienced with fellow exchangees and avid travelers.

Ep. 1: And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave

Jan 29, 2023

40 min. read


Classes start, which means being pulled out from the holiday-like feel of the previous week. New friends are met and the possibility of great discoveries begins to linger.

Ep. 0: A Prelude

Jan 18, 2023

25 min. read


Recounting my trip over to America and the few days on campus prior to classes commencing

A Travel Whitepaper

Jan 13, 2023

9 min. read


An attempt to get some clarity on why I am even wanting in the first place to document my travels abroad