- 46 relevant posts

Ep. 14: Goodbye

Dec 16, 2023

20 min. read


It all comes to an end.

Ep. 13: When Harry Met Sally...

Dec 12, 2023

19 min. read


I am finally confronted with the first goodbyes and farewells. They will not be the last.

Ep. 12: Grounded

Dec 09, 2023

17 min. read


Becoming increasingly at home...

Ep. 11: You're a Star!

Dec 04, 2023

15 min. read


Turning the corner for the final stretch at Purdue.

Ep. 10: Lexington

Oct 13, 2023

19 min. read


Quick on the heels of Spring Break, another weekend and another state to add to the collection - Kentucky.


Jul 11, 2023

29 min. read


Exploring the chaotic madness yet undeniable beauty of Lisbon.

Ep. 9: Spring Break!

Jun 20, 2023

39 min. read


Three exchange students explore some of the country's greatest national parks in Arizona and Utah.

My 10 Days of Rest and Relaxation

Mar 31, 2023

26 min. read


Recollections from a 10-day retreat back in December, 2022.

Newsletter #8

Mar 19, 2023

3 min. read

Published on 19/03/2023. Written on the road from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas.

Ep. 8: Winding Down

Mar 19, 2023

17 min. read


A much quieter week as the campus essentially went into shutdown mode ahead of the upcoming Spring Break next week.

Newsletter #7

Mar 12, 2023

7 min. read

Published on 12/03/2023. Written in West Lafayette, IN.

Ep. 7: Whose House?

Mar 12, 2023

21 min. read


A final trip to Mackey Arena and other fun times as Spring Break draws ever nearer

Newsletter #6

Mar 06, 2023

7 min. read

Published on 05/03/2023. Written in West Lafayette, IN.

Photography Basics

Mar 05, 2023

13 min. read


What I've learnt about exposure and the three variables of photography: aperture, shutter speed and iso.

Ep. 6: Under Lights

Mar 04, 2023

16 min. read


Weeks 6 and 7 bring with them a rivalry game and explorations of an entirely new discipline...

Newsletter #5

Feb 26, 2023

7 min. read

Published on 26/02/2023, written in West Lafayette, IN.

Ep. 5: These Vagabond Shoes

Feb 26, 2023

37 min. read


After many years, a return to New York City. In a post-pandemic world, is it still the city that never sleeps?

Newsletter #4

Feb 19, 2023

8 min. read

Published on 02/19/2023.

Ep. 4: The Plot Thickens

Feb 19, 2023

18 min. read


A fresh suite of athletic opportunities to explore this week, both as spectator and participant

Ep. 3: Let It Snow!

Feb 18, 2023

22 min. read


A snowstorm looms on the horizon, whilst new opportunities reveal themselves in places I wouldn't have expected.

#3: A Cold, Cold Winter

Feb 05, 2023

8 min. read

Newsletter #3: Published on 05/02/2023.

Ep. 2: The Cold, Cold Winter

Feb 05, 2023

28 min. read


The depths of Winter are well and truly here, and with the colder weather comes a similarly dreary cloud of first assignments, homework and tests.

#2: And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave

Jan 30, 2023

11 min. read

Newsletter #2: Published on 29/01/2023.

Ep. 1.5: My Kind of Town

Jan 30, 2023

24 min. read


Impressions formed on the city of Chicago during a whirlwind, 2-night trip over the Martin Luther King Jr. long weekend. Experienced with fellow exchangees and avid travelers.

Ep. 1: And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave

Jan 29, 2023

40 min. read


Classes start, which means being pulled out from the holiday-like feel of the previous week. New friends are met and the possibility of great discoveries begins to linger.

#1: A Prelude

Jan 20, 2023

10 min. read

Newsletter #1: Published on 22/01/2023.

Ep. 0: A Prelude

Jan 18, 2023

25 min. read


Recounting my trip over to America and the few days on campus prior to classes commencing

A Travel Whitepaper

Jan 13, 2023

9 min. read


An attempt to get some clarity on why I am even wanting in the first place to document my travels abroad

Bridge-Crossing the Human Genome

Dec 05, 2022

28 min. read


Covering the basics of walks and paths, before exploring the implication of Hamiltonian vs. Eulerian graphs in the topic of genome sequencing

Understanding Electrolysis

Sep 18, 2022

13 min. read

A brief introduction to the field of electrolysis ⚗🧪

Flow Cells for Carbon Electroreduction

Sep 18, 2022

9 min. read

A short survey of flow cells and some general design considerations for optimal performance

Exploring Hardware Problems (With Verilog)

Jul 29, 2022

24 min. read

Going over some interview questions I received when applying for hardware engineer internships at some Australian-based trading companies.

Introduction to Creating a Personal Website With Next.js

Jul 11, 2022

18 min. read


An introduction to the motivation and decision-making process involved in creating my personal site. Technical specs to follow.

The "Thundercloud of a Common Crisis" of Williams' America

Feb 22, 2022

15 min. read


On the notion that the the “thundercloud of a common crisis” in which the characters find themselves is a product of their self-denial.

Social Mores And How They Shape Williams' "Cat"

Jan 31, 2022

13 min. read


On the proposition that in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", Williams exposes the destructive impact of repressed feeling in a climate of social conservatism

Tulips / Bee Box / Balloons - A Close Reading

Jan 29, 2022

14 min. read


This essay explores the twin threads of trauma and creation that for Plath seem inexplicably bound to her own poetic journey, and to that of women in her society.

The Comfort of Lies Within Williams' "Cat"

Jan 27, 2022

14 min. read

On the idea that in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", lies are therapeutic.

The Material Heart of Mendacity

Jan 25, 2022

16 min. read


On the proposition that it is an obsession with materialism that produces the play’s mendacity.

On Freedom In 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof'

Jan 25, 2022

18 min. read

“I’m not living with you. We occupy the same cage.” Reflections on the idea that none of the characters in ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ are free.

Jay Gatsby vs. The American Dream

Jan 24, 2022

11 min. read


Moments within 'The Great Gatsby' unveil that for someone like Gatsby, both "inside and out", the sordid system he occupies, with all its abuse, only leaves him wanting more.

"Nick and the Candlestick" / "Daddy" / "Balloons"

Jan 21, 2022

14 min. read


This triumvirate captures Plath's poetic license running the gamut of paradoxes and conflicting imagery to precipitate a femininity that is torn between oppression and liberation.

"The Applicant" / "Lady Lazarus"

Jan 21, 2022

10 min. read

One offers a searing condemnation of gendered stereotypes, yet in this pairing, it makes the mesmerising, violent rebirth of the latter all the more breath-taking.

Marlow, Kurtz and The Congo Redemption

Jan 16, 2022

13 min. read

"Heart of Darkness" extends not just a critique of colonialist thought, but the psychological struggle it endows on the individual when its immorality is exposed.

On The Pall of Western Rhetoric and Colonialism

Jan 16, 2022

15 min. read

Marlow's struggle to reconcile his narrated experiences give insight into the turmoil left in the wake of a Western, colonial ideology.

Marlow's Internal Journey, Through the West, Towards Kurtz

Jan 16, 2022

21 min. read


Marlow's journey up the Congo River unearths far more when abstracted out of a post-colonial lens and gleaned as a tale of self-introspection.

Heart of Darkness, Conrad, and Cultural Myopia

Jan 14, 2022

13 min. read


Conrad challenges traditional ways of ‘seeing’, yet his own vision is undermined by cultural blind spots. Is this necessarily true?