Literature category - library with lightbulbs


- 7 relevant posts

Tulips / Bee Box / Balloons - A Close Reading

Jan 29, 2022

14 min. read


This essay explores the twin threads of trauma and creation that for Plath seem inexplicably bound to her own poetic journey, and to that of women in her society.

Jay Gatsby vs. The American Dream

Jan 24, 2022

11 min. read


Moments within 'The Great Gatsby' unveil that for someone like Gatsby, both "inside and out", the sordid system he occupies, with all its abuse, only leaves him wanting more.

"The Applicant" / "Lady Lazarus"

Jan 21, 2022

10 min. read

One offers a searing condemnation of gendered stereotypes, yet in this pairing, it makes the mesmerising, violent rebirth of the latter all the more breath-taking.

Marlow, Kurtz and The Congo Redemption

Jan 16, 2022

13 min. read

"Heart of Darkness" extends not just a critique of colonialist thought, but the psychological struggle it endows on the individual when its immorality is exposed.

On The Pall of Western Rhetoric and Colonialism

Jan 16, 2022

15 min. read

Marlow's struggle to reconcile his narrated experiences give insight into the turmoil left in the wake of a Western, colonial ideology.

Marlow's Internal Journey, Through the West, Towards Kurtz

Jan 16, 2022

21 min. read


Marlow's journey up the Congo River unearths far more when abstracted out of a post-colonial lens and gleaned as a tale of self-introspection.

Heart of Darkness, Conrad, and Cultural Myopia

Jan 14, 2022

13 min. read


Conrad challenges traditional ways of ‘seeing’, yet his own vision is undermined by cultural blind spots. Is this necessarily true?